My name is Erika, I am the mother of a beautiful toddler, and I have created Little Genius with the aim to make the life of parents easier and support the development of their babies with the right age-appropriate tools and toys.
When my baby was born (it was the middle of the pandemic), I became overwhelmed trying to promote the development of my baby with the right learning toys. I would therefore spend many hours after-work awake at night reading about her stage and looking for the ideal, safe, sustainable toys and tools.
I believe that other parents like me have spent similarly many hours online and in stores trying to look for answers or tips to ideally support our little sunshines' cognitive, motor, social and communication skills. It doesn’t matter how old our babies are, we will always try to offer them the best and whatever makes them happy!
This curated bundle of toys has been carefully assembled together with experts in the field and is inspired by Montessori. I feel strongly about high quality products and as such we avoid plastic (both with our products and shipping) and have established relationships with European toy manufacturers to source locally where possible.
I was once told by my grandmother, when children are small, the days are long but the years are short! So stop looking and enjoy more the time with your little ones and get the best product possible at an unbeatable price sent home every two months!
Yours truly,